Monday, January 5, 2009

a quarter sis.

i always wanted a younger sis
and my co friend who is 2 years younger wanted an elder sis cos she only has a sister 4 years younger and an older brother the same age as me.
we decided to xiang ren and we became half a sis to each other.
the other half is as a friend.
her younger sis, who was also my co mate divided the "portions"
and told me "then u are my one quarter sis."
if there's such a thing in the world. :D

i realised i like her more than i used to,
not cos she's my half a sis but cos of her personality.
she's the kind of girl who had the loudest and the craziest kind of laughter.
everyone thinks a girl should behave in a prim and proper way...
i fail to agree, i think there's no problem with her laughing so jovially spreading the laughter and that's the kind of cheerful character u see in no other.

another lesson from mr sim.
he says we shld not say we want to try to do things.
cos try is a word that gives urself an excuse not to do well.
u mus say u want to do things.
he likes to talk abt da dao li more than i do.
concede defeat to him.

finally, the much awaited finale of little nyonya.
lessons learnt?
to preserve ur our history and bury the hatchet.
still hav that very sadistic epi in my mind, if u know what i am talking abt.
wished i watched that epi of the culinary and embroidery competiton.
nice ending? i tht it was creative of the editor to twist the story like that though it might not hav satisfied all the viewers craving for the perfect happy ending.
waiting for the viewers review on the news tmr.
well, its all over, or is there a continuation.
sheryl, mus learn how to cook dishes and sew!!


ppl of all religions,
pls pray for my friend who contracted dengue during new year celebrations.
wishing her a swift recovery.
ling, be brave k!