Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The 2nd month.

to avoid disappointment, u ppl shld jus read my blog weekly or mb fortnightly...

its the 2nd month since we left school, and the first month since some of us started work.
how does it feel to leave school?
hmm, and to be out in the society at this tender age?

memories of school keeps flooding back,
there was not a day which i was not wondering if i was on holilday, away from school.
i didn't like school so much, its just that a student has more time on his hands, flexibility to choose whether to attend class.

hard to meet ppl nowadays with my unpredictable knock off timing.
had my friends wait for an hr or more for me once:(
so don't feel rejected if i don't want to got out with u after work; i don't want to make ppl wait for me.

fortunately, i managed to meet up with my schmates for a farewell dinner for my lecturer who's gg to Australia to study Phd.
there's always a sense of nostagia when i meet up with them; felt at ease just like the good old days.
Observing the gap and changes amongst us:
the taste becomes different, the topics become harder to understand, the hangouts and desires draw a line between us...hopefully we still have a common topic years from now.:)

when we dispersed, i felt detached; as if somthing is missing from me. hate that kind of feeling; like the heart listens to the brain no more.

miss the old times and the carefree-ness.

STOP Emo-ing and get back to ur report, Ms Quah!!!

pls be reassured,
i got nice workmates, treat my work place like my second home:
we live in a 4 room flat; visual function room, Visual field room, Consultation room.
living room is the reception area in the clinic.
my family; father (DR), mother (receptionist) and an older brother (my optometry senior).
Address: Blk Mt E medical centre, #07-04
so we lived under one roof harmoniously or happily ever after...