Monday, September 21, 2009

At my wit's end.

Mulling over my plight...
The season to fall sick again.
Feeling terrible and all my plans are foiled...
Wonder its the extraction of my precious molars, the drastic climate change or the chocolates i succumbed to after months of abstinence?
Time to admit it- i'm a weakling.
i want the antidote for instant recovery:D

Thursday, September 17, 2009


"写信有一系列“收工”工序,选择信子和笔,写字,把信装入信封, 写上收信人地址, 贴上邮票,走到邮箱或邮局去投寄,身体力行的的连串动作。这“手工”过程是有生命的, 因为加入了自己的创造,一封信和一张纸不一样,一封帖上邮票的信,是不是盖了邮章,就有很多很多的故事。


~adapted from Zbw

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ephemeral joys.

What can 7 people do, without our personal computers in the premises of a less familiar environment?

We gorged.
We laughed.
We teased.
We played.
We slept.
We ran.
We kicked.
We emulated.

Nonetheless, we enjoyed.
We didn’t have much then, perhaps just a deck of cards. :D

Thursday, September 10, 2009


This is to reply to ling's post- i was awake against my own will...

Sighs, it was a bad day after a sleepless night!

First thing i reached work 30 mins later :(
I was like dozing off in the midst of taking history:(
Was like caught in action and think i lost patient's confidence.

it was a busy day but i found time to take short naps- went to the toilet and sat on top of the seat and put my head down.

my senior saw the dark rings around my eyes and asked:
u went out to play ytd?
How many hours did u sleep?
i replied: none.
senior: why did u follow ur retail friends to chiong like that. u know u work in a clinic, u don't get offs tmr...
i replied: how did u know all of them are off from work tmr?
senior sighs.

it was a terrible feeling ><, even though i had a sumptous breakfast before work.
Conclusion: Sleep is just irreplaceable!

Beware: my bro has been reading my blog posts!

Monday, September 7, 2009


We were engaged in a conversation abt buying things....

Friend A: i'm broke but i want to get a pair of slippers!
Me: Huh? How much can a pair of slippers cost?
Friend A: $90 plus, i saw it on the net and liked it very much!
Me and friend B: Slippers cost so much meh?? Just buy a normal pair! LOL

Me, thinking: Havaianas don't even cost so much...How come i didn't know such an exorbitant pair of shoes existed... OH, i know what-

Me to friend A: Are u talking about birkenstock?
Friend A: Eh, how come u know?
Me, guiltly: Cos i'm wearing one now... Is it like friend C's shoe?
(Friend C is wearing a pair of Neckerman's.)
Friend A to friend C: How much did you pay for your slippers?
Friend C: I bought it for 30 plus nia...
Friend B, bends down to look and asked me: How come you buy such expensive slippers?
Me (trying to find an excuse for my spendthrift habits):i wanted to buy it since a year ago and waited till the price drop...
Friend B: Oh, i c. Never mind, its worth it if u really like it a lot!
Me: Really, i thought we all agreed its expensive?
Friend B: the satiable feeling is priceless:)
Friend A: ...

Morale: Price is what you pay, value is what you get! :D