Monday, September 7, 2009


We were engaged in a conversation abt buying things....

Friend A: i'm broke but i want to get a pair of slippers!
Me: Huh? How much can a pair of slippers cost?
Friend A: $90 plus, i saw it on the net and liked it very much!
Me and friend B: Slippers cost so much meh?? Just buy a normal pair! LOL

Me, thinking: Havaianas don't even cost so much...How come i didn't know such an exorbitant pair of shoes existed... OH, i know what-

Me to friend A: Are u talking about birkenstock?
Friend A: Eh, how come u know?
Me, guiltly: Cos i'm wearing one now... Is it like friend C's shoe?
(Friend C is wearing a pair of Neckerman's.)
Friend A to friend C: How much did you pay for your slippers?
Friend C: I bought it for 30 plus nia...
Friend B, bends down to look and asked me: How come you buy such expensive slippers?
Me (trying to find an excuse for my spendthrift habits):i wanted to buy it since a year ago and waited till the price drop...
Friend B: Oh, i c. Never mind, its worth it if u really like it a lot!
Me: Really, i thought we all agreed its expensive?
Friend B: the satiable feeling is priceless:)
Friend A: ...

Morale: Price is what you pay, value is what you get! :D