how do u guys feel abt moon cake fest?
i had 2 moon cake fest gathering but haven't eaten any mooncake!
exp at home when my mumm cuts to share amg the family.
i'm sure moon cake tastes better when its eaten during a gathering.
lol, i want moon cake this thurs!!^^
my most memorable recent moon cake fest- there was this story:
this grp of friends went to celebrate moon cake fest together...
amg them were ppl who were strangers.
aft a round of self intro, this 2 person got to know each other..
throughout the entire night they were happily chitchatting to each other and to everyone else.
the girl was totally intrigued by the boy.
they progress rapidly to become very good friends but in the end the girl lost contact with the boy, the boy went missing in action to avoid the girl...