Monday, October 6, 2008

E conclusion

b4 i start w my sec sch adventures, shall write an ending to my childhood years.
from the teachers, i grow with more knowledge and a positive attitude towards learning.
from my friends, i learnt how it feels like to be treasured and hurt.

it was fun having everyone arnd.
we still gather quite frequently in a small grp.
which i was glad abt.
they form most of my card playing gang.
most of us belonged to the same territory- AMK!
Well, life still seems simple for most of us,
exp for one who suicide, another that went to jail and one who married cos of pms.=X

for those who hasn't been coming:
u hav chose to forsake ur friends whom u made when the world is still as innocent as it is. its how u want to choose the friends u want to keep.

cried on graduation when they hav that song.
not cos i'm emotional? but cos the girl(my classmate) in front of me was crying.
i performed on stage that day, so i cried with make up. lol.
did anyone tell u i was frm chinese dance?

those scars i hav in in my childhood will not leave me, like wise i hope my pretty memories for my alma mater will not be forgotten as i grow up- cos it keeps my heart young.