Saturday, May 23, 2009


i'm late for co, wells:(

this was what happened last sat:

i told my sis i'm not gg for sun prac anymore, at least for a yr.
she was startled and said :" how come?! i want to talk to you..."

i told my sis's sis that i was not gg for calli lessons for one year.
she had the same reaction.

sighs, not for money, not for fame, i jus want to enjoy the weekly pleasures in my life. i jus want myself to rmb that i'm not a money slave...
sighs, if i had a choice now.

had lunch with Dr AE aft work and he asked me which workplace i prefer- what a political qn. some of his questions hard to ans; requires gd phrasing and beat around to bush, guess i really need to learn the way he answers.
and i told him i won't work on sun if not for the quota that i have to meet.
then he probed, "what abt the money?" my ans was i would rather do what i want.
its not that i don't like my retail place but its just cruel to deprive me of my interests.
he likes what he does too much not to be a workaholic. lol.

(side track: he is the cover person on Prime magazine (may to june), if u are interested to find out who my employer is.)

if they don't clash, i wouldn't have to grumble.
sry for super disorganised thoughts.
need to rush for co.
and i need to print my quota book, been delaying it cos i'm afraid to see the requirements i have to hit:(