Saturday, July 11, 2009


i guess the most meaningful part of work is not just about doing what u do but also about the people who u meet in the course.:)

We've seen:

people of differerent nationalities (French, Bangladeshi, Vietnamese, Japanese, English, German...);
people of who speak a thousand tongues;
people in the face of truth, knowing their eye conditions;
people who went through their darkest moments together;
people who have survived the ordeal;
people who have recovered from the trauma....

i've seen them, spoke to them and hopefully touched them.

But...i there's nothing i HATE more than PEOPLE WHO ARE STUCK UP,
they are absolutely incorrigible. Wished i could throw money in their face. LOL

So Dr AE says:
" Cos life is unfair, u have to make it fairer for yourself"

Anyways, its enriching to have been through the whole process with them and i'm thankful to offer my helping hands. To learn to be empathetic and caring towards their plight is something i have yet to master.