Saturday, November 1, 2008

cont'd from my barrier post.

Sometimes we put up walls. Not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.

but qn is will u let ur barrier be broken down if someone really cares to break it down.
mb that someone who cares is someone who u care for too, but what if its not?
definitely ur barrier is to keep them out in this case.

is there smt as a Scar Barrier or a natural barrier?


Scar barrier:
a barrier that is not formed from birth but by the events that hav scarred u, so as to prevent u from other scarring.

Natural barrier:
a barrier that is not formed aft events that scarred u but as ur natural way of getting along with others.

aft thinking over and over umpteen times, i hav finally came out with a conclusion.
there might b such things but i guess the simple aim of a barrier is to keep others out to protect urself.
if u truely feel mutual towards someone, i bet the wall will jus be an invisble wall that u are jus waiting for the other party to cross over.
but if that someone is not who u had really cared for, but she still cared enough to break down ur wall, then u'll get a new friend! its only a matter whether u will let her break down ur barrier.

we formed walls not jus to see who cares enough to break them down, we form walls to wait for the right person who also cared enough to break it down, keeping the wrong ones out.

pls comment actively, will love to hav a second opinion.^^
i hope u hav gotten ur ans.

related posts: (october- an analogy) (august- barriers)