Thursday, November 27, 2008

Look at the time :( :)

woke up early, 2am to do ms lek's ppt.
i finally hav a clue!!! on what i am doing
now its 5.42 on the clock, less than 1 hr to the time i was supposed to wake up for class...
means i'm not gg to hav any sleep exp from last night, which i accidentally went to bed at 9.
9 to 2, at least i slept for 5 hrs?!
do u guys do this?

waiting for the hangover of a "sleepless" night,
it'll drown me of my sorrows cos i hav no residual energy to wry abt anything else.
wish me loads on luck to conc my leftover resources on my activities later^^

indeed sry is smt polite yet hurts.
thats the last thing anyone wants to hear?

u can't be angry cos the person is polite yet, it hurts.