Tuesday, November 18, 2008

racing with time.

or am i??

racing to do so many things before term ends, thats explains why i haven't been blogging too...
not that i hav nth to blog but cos i have no time to type and recollect my thts.
thats sounds sad, for someone who enjoys day dreaming so much.
its like somebody shouting in my ear and telling me to wake up this instance.
its the feeling when ms tan looks at me with her big palpebral aperture.
smt it feels like everything is collapsing even though there's no earthquake in any part of the world right now.

really trying to destress admist all this.
i won't hav time to destress unless i learn how to manage my time.
or shld i ask for a break?
follow me: breathe in and breathe out:)