Saturday, June 27, 2009


Yea, my long time CO friend got back from London last sunday:)

It was great to meet her and my other ex-co friends at Waraku, the place we had dinner before she left.
She gave me tea leaves in exquisite petite tins while i bought her like 5 chicken rice mix for her to bring back! LOL..
So London produces tea leaves...well, she says tea drinking is part of their culture.:)
One of us who happened to transit thru Japan bought us Shiroi, White lovers if u translate in Mandarin. this is the first time i have tasted it and was nonetheless impressed by the taste. Its no wonder why the confectionery is so famous.

Anyways, our topic for dinner was travel mates.
we were discussing abt our overseas trips with friends and schmates during the past year...
A: there was this person i really wanted to give him a return ticket back!
Conclusion: Choose travel mates wisely!
How to choose: you must have a leader; at least someone who is serious in the mid of fun. People who are enthu and keep the spirits up. Fun loving ppl who dares to try new things out. People who play and play like there's no end. People with common interests pertaining to sight-seeing. People who are physically fit so they will brave storms and rain with you!

In lieu with our 14-18 Sep genting/malacca trip '09.
P.S. i haven't apporached him yet!
*keep fingers crossed*