Saturday, August 1, 2009

My express transit.

Takes 128 to work on weekday mornings.

FYI: 128 line is not reflected on the bus directory as it only operates during peak hours; morning 7.30-8.15, evening 6.45-7.15.
Its an express service that transits me from my house to TANGS smoothly (if there are no traffic jams:D)Most importantly it saves my fats from brisk walking to the MRT station and squeezing in a mass of bodies just like a can of sardines.

I tend to leave home at this specific timing that will but there are days when the bus arrives earlier and i have to lament not leaving home earlier. But i never repent.:( Nowadays i have to dash across red lights and chase for the approaching vehicle. Thankful to know the driver, cos he waits for me:D (wonder if one day he will say to me: can't you just leave home earlier?) The real excuse is time has surpassed my Titus watch- its lagging behind time...(just like my life is)

So thats how my day starts; by saying gd morning or thank you (when he waits for me) to the driver and alight opposite ION and find myself gazing at the LV display that is designed by a famous architect honoured with the entitlement of being the flagship store in Asia.