Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thanks to you too!

Have recieved lots of tokens of appreciation from patients since i started out work...
here's the list:

Bread from breadtalk, provenance, sun moulin
Cakes and pastries from breadtalk, taka, Indonesia
Ferrero rocher(24's), shortcake
Fruits like mangoes, oranges
Homebaked cheese cake
Pyjamas! (patient exports pyjamas from indonesia to sg)

He says; " do you know what it means when they pay so much for their medical fees and still bring us gifts? it means we have gone beyond the call of our duty."

I went home feeling a sense of satisfaction that i have made a difference.
As one of the nurses say, " we offer good service but it dosen't mean that we are servants."
i count my blessings for being able to lend a helping hand:D