taiwan trip was like a bash, and i do think travelling is stressful no matter how relaxed u are. jus like how shopping can take ur mind away for that whole duration.
so i'll give a brief update on how my 11 days in tw was like:
weather was rainy and cold, i feel like i'm in a toaster oven now:(
it was one of the happiest time in my life, to not hav any sweat at all the whole day.
u don't feel u are dirty cos of the not humid weather.
we didn't even wash our clothes cos u know it won't dry up in that weather.
the people there are generally more friendly than us. they are more service oriented and the welcome when u enter their shop is like heard everywhere, not only in giordano. u don't think they are intimidating when they say it. they are so attentive to the customer's needs that they even make u feel bad if u don't buy anything. i hav to substiante
with reasons why i don't want to buy so as to make myself feel less gulity for not buying.><
they are more initiative, like they clear their own plates. there, u hav to rmb to clear up before u go, not remember not to clear up after urself.
its bascially a wide variety of chinese cuisine there. from dumplings to steamboat and many kinds of animal stuff like organs and pig's blood cube. they eat all kinds of things i guess. the food there is nice, i nvr thought i will be so in love with oriental food. missed my mum's cooking as well:)
they hav all kinds of modes of transport, from old style choo choo train, buses, transit train, bullet train... i think u can't find any other modes of transport they don't hav it there.
in the capital, then will u see toilet bowls for sitting on. in other places squatting toilet bowls rules. this hoilday was like a training for me to aim accurately. but their squats are designed in such a way that that there is minumum spillage.
during the 11 days we moved to different places. not sure how they call it in english but its hostels and not hotels. quite homely for one. but they hav more varieties than motels and hotels we have here.
it was really an eyeopener to see how chinese in other places live. ^^
the most interesting experience i had overseas was gg into a uni to eat in the sch canteen. we felt like we are intruders but other than that we thought it was cool to see their culture.
the most breathtaking experience was seeing the clouds, standing on the mountains and feeling the air.
the most disgusting thing was the toilet at tamshui:(
the nicest food is their bread there. how different? its the texture and the fragrance.
the most fun thing is venturing into every 24 hrs convenience shop. they hav so many things! not jus f&b and daily neccesities.
the cheapest thing is their dumpings and baos. u can eat like a whole long with 11 pieces for only abt 5 dollars.
the scariest thing was the screaming condor ride. its lower than bungee so i don't know why i'm scared.
the highest thing is their taipei 101. nth much to comment since manmade strutural buildings can be as nice and as tall as they want it when humans use their brains.
the most popular thing is their smelly beancurd. u see them and smell them everywhere that u will jus get used to the smell.
the thing i dislike most is the rain. it gets really chilly and gloomy and sleepy with the cold weather. not the ideal weather for activities i will say.
finally, the best thing was living and spending time with the 6 of them during the trip. though we squeezed like nobody's business, suffocated under each others' breath, me and po being laughed at, being impatient with each other like we do at home... (so much bad things to talk abt u girls! lol =p) we enjoyed each other's presence and i thank everyone for letting me be in this trip.
what a better way to end this trip? to get a keychain with hellokitty that says everlasting friendship from hui and ling.
its not about where we go but untimately its abt how we endured with each other during the journey.