This belongs to yours truly!
My mum says i can go cycle alone cos smaller wheels=safer, unlike my bro.
The person said it was supposed to be a stunt bike, you can turn the front part 180 degrees.
My cycling history...
Cycled on 4 wheels when i was young and my mum didn't teach me how as she was protective of me and afraid i will fall:(
Begin to cycle on 2 wheels when i was sec 2.
Learnt from my class mates during a class bbq
She told me: " control the bicycle, don't let it control you"
It took me an hr to be able to ride smoothly. :)
Thereafter, i only cycled once when i had chalet in sec 4
The most i cycled was in my poly years, when they took me on night cycling trips.
That was when i truly learnt how to manouevr down slopes, wriggle in between narrow corridors etc.
Why do i like cycling so much?
I like the breeze in my face, cos i can never run at this speed!
i frown when i cycle as i'm concentrating really hard, but in my mind i'm singing and enjoying the ride^^