Thursday, December 4, 2008

my whereabouts.

a week since i hav been online,
so the last time i blogged was abt a week ago. :)
did ur missed me?
i'm sure u do, thats y u are reading this.
well, time to update everyone, aft such a long time!

had really bad diahorrea last thurs. so bad that i hav to go home b4 sch ends...
had dizzy spells that persisted for like 2 days.
my weekends was like a torture, i tht life was gg to be taken away from me >,<
glad it didn't and sad it didnt.
went to the doc twice over 3 days and finally they decided to refer me to ttsh neurology... think i went bonkers with stress. lol XD
and was busy with my mid term test from mon till today.

went out aft sch to do xmas shopping!!
yes, i'm proud to announce i hav done my share.
runner up aft huizz!!
*round of applause*
aft walking from like 1 to 9...
super tired, and haunted by winnie the pooh, if u go taka u'll know why. :(

and hols started the time i left sch!!!
but look at this:

First Draft Report to supervisor All Students 12th January 2009
Submit project report All Students 30th January 2009
Project presentation All Students 1st Exam Week (16th or/and 17th of Feb)

class mates, grp mates, project mates, we still hav two laps to go!!!!