it was while reading my autograph book that I feel that I have graduated.
This time, there were no tears, I was smiling, smiling cos I shared so much beautiful memories with them.
I remember:
The hui min who chewed her wholemeal bread so slowly.
Who always greets ppl with a broad smile
Who is always being laughed at ><
Time for me to recount and give ppl their autographs
First up is the minority ppl in cls.
I rmb the guy who i didn’t want to talk to till I found out that he acty knew my pri sch mate. He was the first male clsmate in cls who I spent time alone with as we attended jap cls tgt. I can always rmb how he always complained abt the timing of the class. I can still visualise the times we have spent on the train home. Although I’m always blabbering nonsense, he always looks at me in a serious manner. I’m equally grateful to him as much as I hate him for he made me see another side of things in another perspective but the way he imposed them was too harsh. Harsh to the extent that the stubborn me realize the need to change.
I rmb he was the I don’t know how many guys who approached me on how to chase a girl. The friendship started when he said he will follow me to wherever I want to go, the confidence that I will hav somewhere to bring him. It paused on the day when he said the place we go will be determined by the bus that comes next.
I rmb him as someone who I always laughed at but at the same time admire his confidence. He brought all of us countless happiness on all kinds of occasions. He was the first guy in cls I handmade a bday card cos he said he wanted it.
I rmb him as someone who I had no impression of in yr 1. The first time I spoke to him was during our class’s first chalet. We were sitting by the drain with our bicycles parked beside us while the boys with direction sense hovered over a map. I cannot imagine a guy with no direction sense and neither could I imagine a guy who had absolutely no tolerance of alcohol. Nonetheless he is a loyal friend like no one who enjoys speculating and hav shifty eyes.
I rmb him as the first guy who ventured to join an all girls grp to do project in the whole 3 years. He dirtied his hands from my bicycle on the first cycling trip which I was entirely thankful for. He is the “darkest” person I hav ever known cos he likes black so much.