Saturday, February 28, 2009


taiwan is our destination!
SQ 878 1025 T3 1mar

will be back in 11 march.
hopefully we'll all be able to fulfill our expectations this no stress hols!

these few posts shld be able to last 11 days of missing me :P
read carefully, read more than once!
pardon my grammar and shortforms cos i really got to pack my luggage.

for my friends in uni:
study hard n jia you for exams!!!

for my sch mates:
happy hols or have a meaningful atttachment.

for my pri sch mates:
we'll play bridge when i come back and we'll snack on sun biscuits.

for my co mates:
all the best for perf! i'll join ur back in practise on 14 and 15 march.

lastly, for my travel mates:
are ur ready? ^^

wait for me!!!