Wednesday, February 18, 2009

To Class DOPT02:

Its been a change of life events meeting everyone of you.
I remember how I couldn’t find my classs on the first day of school. How I was the first to begin the series of self introduction. Then, I was shocked that so many people was previously from the cca that I wanted to join when I was in sec sch- band.

I’m not sure how by coincidence I got into a clique nicknamed SHD.
We evolved into SHD100D thereafter.
it was cause 3 little girls find it bored to eat by themselves and soon, we find each other indispensable.
They changed me:
They made me fat, make me feel loved and make me broke. :( Most of all, they taught me how to survive overseas together.

In sec sch, I was a girl who spoke little of her opinions in class. But the boys in class made me shout at them. Used to get so terrified by them that they haunt me in my dreams. I have dreams of them asking me: “have u refilled your bottle today?” They brushed up my cycling skills and chased away my dark clouds. They taught me “how to live in your own world”. They changed how I expressed myself.

The school may not hav imparted the SP core values to us, but we have left each other bountiful friendships, enough to last us a lifetime.
Thank you for sharing a part of 02 with me. I have enjoyed my 3 years tremendously.
A place where laughter is shared and tears shed.

No matter where we go and whatever we do, have faith.

Before I forget ur names:

Ann-marie. Sylvia.
Andrew. Jonathan. Kamen. Ping Han. Eddie.
Aik Leng. Chanel. Sheryl. Deirdre. Ruth.