Sunday, December 21, 2008

6 mths.

6 mths is a long time, for things and environment to change but 6 mths is a short time for ppl to change.

went back to my old working place on fri and realised that the place is still there and my friends hav changed! and my "favourite" colleague got married at 24 with a baby girl:)
was glad to know that they are doing well, most of them had promotions and the food menu changed, cos ppl changed it.
a lot of emotions when i was there.

was hoping they hav shared the joy with me.
was hoping i was with them alll this time.
was wondering why i quitted then.
was thinking of gg back.
was thinking of what happened if i was back.
was thinking thru what they hav told me.
was missing my supervisor.
was missing the laughter and the times with my friends.

all in all that was in the past, i shld jus live the present and ctrl my life.:)
it was part of my past, but my friends still lived in the present and i hav not regretted quitting my job.