Monday, December 8, 2008

My dream.

everyone's analysing their dreams these days...
mine, i don't think there's a need to analyse, cos basically its the same, its always abt my classmates and my teachers doing smt in sch.

i remembered ytd's!
cos it was raining and i acty slept till 10 plus (like once in a blue moon) so i had time to dream:)

we were in two rooms and one room was full of my classmates and the other was full of the other class's ppl.
the room was like a showcase, well furnished with the sofas, coffee table and such...
we were jus carrying our bags and sitting into the room.
then our teacher announced that there will be many overseas students coming to visit.
there was no toilet in that showcase,so i walked out of the room to some other toilet in another showcase...
then i woke up in the morning thinking i need the toilet.

thats the kind of dreams i usually get, ppl i know in a weird scene. XD

and today at amk hub 2nd storey, i did smt "fantastic" but i nvr want to do it again...

i went into the gents uunknowingly.
did some big business inside thinking why there was a male's voice outside and why the toilet was so empty even though its so crowded outside.
there are like four cubicles in the gents.

i know u ppl mus hav had a lot of questions.
firstly, i didn't notice the urinal bowls in the toilet when i first walked in,
secondly there was nobody in the toilet when i entered
i only realised i stepped into the wrng toilet only when i stepped out of the cubicle and saw a male using the urinal.
fortunately he was facing the wall and no one saw me coming out of the toilet.
when i this i was stunned. quickly, i walked into the ladies and washed my hands.

i admit i hav the habit of gg to the males,
but this is the first time i seriously walked in.
usually my friend behind me will tugged me into the right one or i'll follow them towards the right one, but i wasn't with anyone at the point of entering the toilet
today :(
some history...used to go into the gents when i was in sec sch. my sch was holded in a old sch and we simply stick a female sign outside the males toilet and it became a female toilet! i don't rmb any urinals in that one though.

guess i'll jus hav to be more careful?
but the gents was definitely much more pleasant than the ladies! =X