Tuesday, December 9, 2008

past xmas memories.

yes i like to celebrate xmas,
to me its not abt christ but abt a season filled with love, joy and friendship.
i like the decor along orchard road and remembered posing beside many.
i like to receive xmas cards as a kind of warm greetings, friends don't send chinese new year cards, do we? (mb we'll do that when we are older><)

when i was in pri sch, the age when no one goes out to play aft sch, i hav no friends to celebrate xmas with me.
my family doesn't celebrate it at home too cos we aren;t christians.
so what do i do?

i'll make xmas stockings for each of my soft toys with paper, each one one with their name on it.
mine is a super big one that i'll hang on my window or beside my bed and put my wish inside the sock for the santa to fulfill.
i hav a super small xmas tree that i'll decorate and put on my bedside table.
on that day of xmas, i'll put all my soft toys on my bed and start using my hands and mingle them as if they are all playing and dancing in a xmas party.
i usually plan a programme for them and hav a letter reading session from someone somewhere afar, i claimed.
if no one's at home, i'll on the radio to my favourite fm 93.3.
thats how i spend my xmas, for a few years til i hav real ppl to go out with me on xmas two years back.

my mum tht i needed company and counselling session from a psychology.
my friends tht it was absurd to write letters to my soft toys.
but i nvr felt lonely then.
sometimes u jus need someone there,
the person don't hav to do anything, the presence is enough.