Tuesday, December 30, 2008

open door concept.

anyone who sleeps in their room at night without shutting the door at home?
in my hse everyone does it.
when i was younger i used to think why there are doors to rooms.
cos in my family no one ever closes the door.
once my bro closed his door, we tht he was sniffing glue inside cos there was a stench when he opened it.
guess what he was doing? dancing on the para para on playstaion.
that was a long time ago.XD
i shut the door when i practise my instru or change nowadays.
to me it is smt insignificant.
hadn't realise how it affects a family's life till a mother told me how her daughter shuts herself in her room.

the door is a barrier,
if u always keep the doors closed at home if its not for the air con then it shows that u are separated from the family.
the door, blocks family members from getting closer to u.

a door, a barrier, a family "traditon".
its gd to hav a open door concept.:)