Tuesday, December 30, 2008


the problem with me was i was too greedy for love and affections.
thats why so badly hurt.
too greedy to hav many friends yet i realised in the end maybe there was none i could keep forever.
i guess more than one ppl went thru the same process as me- why is there no one u can turn to when u need someone?
smt its not that they are unwilling to listen but its myself who is unwilling to share.

received my cards and greetings this xmas.
tht my greetings get lesser each year.
used to need a big bag to contain them but now i can jus stuff all in a slightly bigger envelope.
blames myself for not being rmbered.

when ppl say they are missing out in my life,
i think to myself: i hav been missing out in ur life too><

when ppl tell me to remind them if they fade away from my life one day,
i think to myself :why don't u remind me not to fade away from ur life.

as i witness the changes and the increase in distance btwn ppl every year
i wonder to myself why am i so helpless in handling the situation and reducing the gap.

a selfish thing to ponder: why am i affected when its none of my problems.
but truth is ppl's emotions affects the ppl arnd them.

i'm sry if i break down one of this days, its so not me to be emo, but i guess i shld talk it out this year and start next year right. hopefully its jus pms.

i'll disappear from from ur world, cos i'm jus not worthy of it.